
Next meeting is 10th April 2025 and the closing date is 21st March 2025. Please allow sufficient time for postage as late applications will not be accepted. All applications must arrive by mid-day on the closing date. We encourage on-line applications to arrive as soon as possible before the closing date.

To apply for a grant, please see the page on How to Apply
Our grants are to help social welfare and charitable organisations working to improve the lives of people in the North East of England. Grants are normally between £500 and £2,000. Applications are considered for running costs, project costs, part salaries and basic equipment under the following headings:

Social Welfare

  • Projects that support people who are disadvantaged because of their social or economic circumstances 
  • Help for people with debt or their welfare rights and benefits
  • Prisoners, ex-offenders or those at risk of offending and their families
  • Community centers and groups offering a range of activities for the benefit of the community
  • Hospices and centers providing care for those who are terminally ill and their families
  • Homelessness projects providing accommodation and opportunities for individuals and families to support their own tenancies


  • Projects that maximize young people's potential especially those facing economic and social disadvantage
  • Support for young people and children including uniformed organisations and those seeking to improve young people's skills and employability
  • Young people who are ex-offenders or those who are at risk of offending and those engaged in anti-social behaviour
  • Youth clubs and groups providing alternative curriculum activities for young people

Disabled or Elderly

  • Projects that support older people who are vulnerable and/or isolated to engage with the wider community and with their peer group
  • Projects that enable older people to remain independent and in their own homes
  • Opportunities for older people to take part in social and educational activities in care homes, their own homes or within organisations in the community
  • Opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in society and achieve their aspirations
  • Support for people with disabilities, their families and carers to live independently and engage in employability, leisure and educational opportunities


  • Work that supports women who are victims of domestic violence and their families
  • Projects that assist women to achieve their aspirations in the world of work and leisure
  • Women's groups and activities that promote women's rights and equality of opportunity

Ethnic Minorities

  • Activities that promote equality of opportunity for people from ethnic backgrounds
  • Projects that encourage integration and understanding of different cultures
  • Projects aimed at education, employment and social inclusion


  • Projects that improve the environment and involve the local community and people
  • Activities that promote sustainable environmental improvements
  • Opportunities for social, educational and leisure activities for people of all ages within their local environments


  • Projects that offer educational opportunities for people of all ages that improve their quality of life
  • Activities of an educational nature that support young people's future aspirations
  • Projects that are community based and appeal to people who would not normally access educational opportunities

The Arts

  • Projects that promote the use of the arts to develop community cohesion
  • Activities that bring people together to appreciate music, drama and dance
  • Community based projects that aim to enhance people's understanding and enjoyment of the arts
The beneficial area is the North East of England defined as the old counties of Northumberland and Durham. This includes Tyne and Wear and Cleveland, north of the Tees. The trustees try to follow the interests of the founder where they meet the present needs of the people and organisations of the North East.


  • Capital projects that are for major building improvements
  • Repair of buildings used solely for worship
  • Animal protection charities
  • Charities based outside of the geographical area of interest
  • Medical research
  • National charities making general appeals
  • National charities without a base in the North East of England

We do not give grants for individuals, but do contribute to the Greggs Foundation individuals in need fund and applications should be made to them at: The Greggs Foundation, Greggs House, Quorum Buiness Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8BU.